De Franse tekst (in de linkse kolom) van de aanvullende statuten voor de broeders van het St.-Janshospitaal in Jeruzalem, uitgevaardigd door Meester Roger de Moulins op het algemeen kapittel van 14 maart 1182 . De Engelse vertaling staat in de rechterkolom. Er bestaat hiervan geen officiële Nederlandse vertaling.

Au nom dou pere, et dou filz et dou saint esperit, amen. L'an de l'incarnacion Noutre Seignor MCLXXXII, le mois de mars, par dimenche quant l'on chante Letare Jerusalem, Rogier, serf des poures de Crist, avant seant en general chapistre clers et lais et freres convers entour estant, à l'onor de Deu et de l'aornement de relegion, et l'acreissement et l'utilité des poures malades.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. In the year of the incarnation of Our Lord 1181 in the month of March, on the Sunday on which they chant 'Laetare Jerusalem' (i.e. March 22nd), I Roger, servant of Christ's poor, in the presence of the clerical and lay brethren seated around the Chapter-General, to the honour of God and the glory of our Religion, and the support and benefit of the sick poor.
1. Les establimenz de l'iglise avant dite et les profiz des poures apres escriz comanz que touz jors fucent tenus et gardez sanz aler encontre de nule chose. Des iglises comanz que eles fucent disposées et ordenées à la disposicion dou prior des clers de l'Ospital dendroit de livres, de clers, de vestimenz, de prestres, de calices, de encensiers, de lumiere pardurable et des autres aornemenz. 1. It is commanded that the statutes of the church aforesaid and the benefits for the poor afterwards written should be Kept and observed forever, without going contrary to them in any respect. Concerning the churches it is commanded that they should be arranged and regulated at the disposition of the Prior of the clerics of the Hospital with regard to books clerics vestments priests chalices censers perpetual light and other ornaments.
2. Et la seconde fois establi, par l'assentiment des freres, que por les malades de l'Ospital de Jerusalem soient louez IIII mieges sages, qi sachent conoistre la qualité des orines et la diversité des malades, et for puissent amenistrer remede de medecines. 2. And secondly, it is decreed with the assent of the brethren that for the sick in the Hospital of Jerusalem there should be engaged four wise doctors, who are qualified to examine urine, and to diagnose different diseases, and are able to administer appropriate medicines.
3. Et la tierce fois ajousta que les lit des malades fucent fait en longeur et en larjour au plus convenable que estre poyssent à reposer et chascun lit soit covert de son covertour, et chascun lit eut ses dras tout propres. 3. And thirdly, it is added that the beds of the sick should be made as long and as broad as is most convenient for repose, and that each bed should be covered with its own coverlet, and each bed should have its own special sheets.
4. Apres ces biens il establi le quart comandement que chascun des malades eust pelice à vestir, et botes à aler a lor besoigne et revenir, et chapeaus de laine. 4. After these needs is decreed the fourth command, that each of the sick should have a cloak of sheepskin and boots for going to and coming from the latrines, and caps of wool.
5. Cet si establi que petit berz fucent fait por les enfans des femes pelerines qui naissent en la maison, si que it gisent à une part soul, et que li enfant alaitant n'en aient aucun ennui par la mesaise de lor mere. 5. It is also decreed that little cradles should be made for the babies of the women pilgrims born in the House, so that they may lie separate, and that the baby in its own bed may be in no danger from restlessness of its mother.
6. Apres escrist le siste chapitre que les bieres des mors fucent en maniere d'art cancelées aussi com les bieres des freres, et soient couvert d'un drap rouge au croiz blanche. 6. Afterwards it is decreed the sixth clause, that the biers of the dead should be concealed in the same manner as are the biers of the brethren, and should be covered with a red coverlet having a white cross.
7. Au septime chapistre comanda que, partout là où seroient li l'Ospital des malades, que les comandeors des maisons servissent les malades de bon corage, et lor amenistrassent ce que lor fust mestier, et que sanz querele et sans plainte lor feyssent servise; si que par cest benefice desservissent part à aveir en la gloire dou ciel. Et se nul des freres eust en depit de garder les comandemenz dou maistre en ces choses, que l'en le feyst à savoir au maistre, qui en preyst la veniance selon ce que la justise de la maison comande. 7. The seventh clause commands that wheresoever there are hospitals for the sick, that the Commanders of the houses should serve the sick cheerfully, and should do their duty by them, and serve them without grumbling or complaining, so that by these good deeds they may deserve to have their reward in the glories of heaven. And if any of the brethren should act contrary to the commands of the Master in these matters, that it should be brought to the notice of the Master, who shall punish them according to the sentence of the house commands.
8. Cet si comanda, quand le conseil fu tenus des freres, sur ce que le prior de l'Ospital de France mandast chascun an en Jerusalem C dras de coton tainz por renoveler les covertours des provres, et les contast en sa responsion aveuc ceaus qui seront donez à la maison en son prioré en aumone. 8. It was also decreed, when the council (i.e. Chapter-General) of the brethren was held, that the Prior of the Hospital of France should send each year to Jerusalem one hundred sheets of dyed cotton to replace the coverlets of the poor sick, and should reckon them in his Responsion together with those things which shall be given in his Priory to the House in charity.
9. En icelle meisme maniere et à cel conte le prior de l'Ospital de S. Gile autretant de dras de coton achate chascun an, et mande en Jerusalem avec ceaus qui seront donez en son prioré por l'amor de Deu as povres de l'Ospital. 9. In selfsame manner and reckoning the Prior of the Hospital of St. Gilles should purchase each year the like number of sheets of cotton and send them to Jerusalem, together with those things which shall be given in his Priory for the love of God to the poor of the Hospital.
10. Le prior d'Ytalie chascun an mande en Jerusalem as seignors povres IIM aunes de fustaines de diverses colors, que il conte chascun an en sa responsion. 10. The prior of Italy each year should send to Jerusalem for our lords the sick two hundred ells of fustian (= cotton sheets) of divers colours, which he may reckon each year in his Responsion.
11. Et le prior de Pise mande autresi autretant de fustaines. 11. And the Prior of Pisa should send likewise the like numbers of fustians.
12. Et le prior de Veneise autressi, et tout soit conté sur lor responsion. 12. And the Prior of Venice likewise, and all should be reckoned in their responsions.
13. Et les bailliz autressi de desa mer soient veillant à cest meisme servise. 13. And likewise the Bailiffs this side of the sea should be particular in this same service.
14 Dons le bailli d'Antioche mande en Jerusalem IIM canes de toile de coton as covertors des malades. 14. Of whom the Bailiff of Antioch should send to Jerusalem two hundred ells of cotton cloth for the coverlets of the sick.
15. Le prior de Monpelerin mande en Jerusalem II quintaus de sucre por le syrop, et les medecines, et les laituaires des malades. 15. The prior of Mont Pelerin (i.e. Tripolis) should send to Jerusalem two quintals of sugar for the syrups, and the medicines and the electuaries of the sick.
16. Au cel meisme servise le bailli de Tabarie en mande autretant. 16. For this same service the Bailiff of Tabarie (i.e. Tiberias) should send there the same quantity.
17. Le prior de Constantinople mande por les malades CC feautres. 17. The Prior of Constantinople should send for the sick two hundred felts.
18. Apres sanz la garde et les veilles de jor et de nuit, que les freres de l'Ospital doivent faire de ardant et de devot corage as povres malades com à seignors, fu ajoint en chapistre general que, en chascune rue et place de l'Ospital ou les malades reposent, que IX sergent soient prest a lor servise, qui lavent lor piés bonement, et les eissuent de dras, et facent lor liz, et amenistrent as languissans viandes necessaires et profitables, et les abjurent devotement, et qui hobeyssent en toutes choses au profit des malades. 18. Moreover guarding and watching them day and night, the brethren of the Hospital should serve the sick poor with zeal and devotion as if they were their lords, and it was added in Chapter-General that in every ward (rue) and place in the Hospital, nine sergeants should be kept at their service, who should wash their feet gently, and change their sheets, and make their beds, and administer to the weak necessary and strengthening food, and do their duty devotedly, and obey, in all things for the benefit of the sick.

Sachent tous les freres de la maison de l'Ospital, qui sont et qui avenir seront, que les bones coustumes de la maison de l'Ospital de Jerusalem soloient estre teles:


Let all the brethren of the House of the Hospital, both those present and those to come, know that the good customs of the House of the Hospital of Jerusalem are as follows;

1. Premierement la Sainte maison de l'Ospital soloient ressevoir les homes et les femes malades, et soloient les mieges tenir qui des malades eussent cure, et qui feyssent le syrob des malades, et qui porveyssent les choses qui fucent necessaires as malades. Des III jors de la semaine solient avoir les malades char fresche de porc ou de mouton; et qui n'en pooit mangier si avoit geline. 1. Firstly the Holy House of the Hospital is accustomed to receive sick men and women, and is accustomed to keep doctors who have the care of the sick, and who make the syrups for the sick, and who provide the things that are necessary for the sick. For three days in the week the sick are accustomed to have fresh meat, either pork or mutton, and those who are unable to eat it have chicken.
2. Et entre II malades soloient avoir une pelice de brebis, qui il afubloient quant it aloient à chambres. Et entre II malades I pareil de botes. Chascun an soloit la maison de l'Ospital doner as povres M pelices de gros aigneaus. 2. And two sick persons are accustomed to have one coat of sheepskin (pelice de brebis/berbis?), which they use when going to the latrines (chambres), and between two sick persons one pair of boots. Every year the House of the Hospital is accustomed to give to the poor one thousand cloaks of thick lamb skins.
3. Et tous les enfans getez de peres et de meres soloit l'Ospital ressevoir et faire norrir. Au home et à feme qui se voloient assembler par mariage, qui n'en avoient dons il feyssent lor noces, la maison de l'Ospital lor donoit II escueles ou les mes de II freres. 3. And all the children abandoned by their fathers and mothers the Hospital is accustomed to receive and to nourish. To a man and woman who desire to enter into matrimony, and who possess nothing with which to celebrate their marriage, the House of the Hospital is accustomed to give two bowls (escueles) or the rations of two brethren.
4. Et soloit la maison de l'Ospital tenir I frere corvoisier au III sergens, qui apareilloient les vielz soliers à doner por Deu. Et l'aumonier soloit tenir II sergens qui appareilloient la vielle robe que il donoit as povres. 4. And the House of the Hospital is accustomed to keep one brother shoemaker (corvoisier) and three sergeants, who repair the old shoes (soliers) given for the love of God. And the Almoner is accustomed to keep two sergeants who repair the old robes that he may give them to the poor.
5. Et l'aumonier soloit doner XII deniers à chascun prisonier quand il venoit de la prison premierement. 5. And the Almoner is accustomed to give twelve deniers to each prisoner, when he is first released from prison.
6. Chascune nuit soloient V clers lire le sautier por les bienfaitours de la maison. 6. Every night five clerics are accustomed to read the Psalter for the benefactors of the House.
7. Et chascun jor soloient mangier XXX povres une foil le jor à la table por Deu, et les V clers devant diz esteent de ceaus XXX povres; mais les XXV manjoient avant le covent. Et chascun des V clers avoient II deniers et manjoient devant le covent. 7. And every day thirty poor persons are accustomed to be fed at table once a day for the love of God, and the five clerics aforesaid may be among those thirty poor persons, but the twenty-five eat before the Convent, and each of the five clerics should have two deniers and eat with the Convent.
8. Et III jors la semaine donoient l'aumone à toz ceaus qui là venoient requerre pain et vin et cuisinat. 8. And on three days of the week they are accustomed to give in alms to all who come there to ask for it, bread and wine and cooked food.
9. Les Karehmes, chascun samedi, soloient faire le mande de XIII povres, et lor lavoient les piés, et donoient à chascun chemise et braies neuves et soliers neus, et à III chapelains ou à III clers de ces XIII, III deniers, et à chascun des autres, II deniers. 9. In Lent every Saturday, they are accustomed to celebrate Maundy for thirteen poor persons, and to wash their feet, and to give to each a shirt and new breeches and new shoes, and to three chaplains, or to three clerics out of the thirteen, three deniers and to each of the others, two deniers.
10. Ce est la propre aumone establie en l'Ospital, sanz les freres d'armes que la maison tenoit honoréement, et plusors autres aumones que l'en ne povit mie monstrer dou tout chascune par soi. Et que ce soit voirs les bons homes et leaus le tehmoignent, c'est à savoir frere Rogier, maistre de l'Ospital, le prior Bernart et tout le chapistre general. 10. These are the special charities decreed in the Hospital, apart from the Brethren-at-Arms whom the House should maintain honourably, and many other charities there are which cannot be set out in detail each one by itself. And that these things be true good men and loyal here bear witness, that is to say Brother Roger, Master of the Hospital, and Brother Bernard the Prior and all the Chapter-General.